MICRO = too close for comfort
When you stifle the creativity of your associates through micro-management practices then your company pays in lost profits.
Nothing kills the spirit of your associates quicker than a boss or supervisor standing over every move that needs to be made each day.
Give some space. Everyone needs breathing room. Don’t spend your day trying to see who you can catch goofing off at the water cooler. Statistics indicate that all of us need a break from the "grind".
Micro-management is one result of running your business without a plan. No one has a clue so at best someone has to call every move. Failure to share the vision means focus is missing.
As your "Mom" used to say, there is unrest in the "troops". The "Natives" are restless. Why? No one understands the benefit. "What’s In It For Me" is always on our mind (WIIFM).
Many firms get into trouble because no one took the time to put a business plan together. Verbal ideas "maybe" but it takes a lot of time to put a full-blown business plan on paper. It’s so easy just to run by the seat of your pants.
"Seat" management is NOT a good idea for growth. Statistics indicate that nine out of ten new businesses do not exist at the end of 5 years. Some are gone in 3 months while a few "hang" in for 2 or 3 years before going "belly" up.
What happens? Too often everyone is working IN the business rather than working ON the business plan and it’s implementation.
Success in business takes leadership. There will always be the need for someone on the" white" horse. A LEADER! This person seldom spends his/her time micro-managing anything.
Most of us have seen a committee work hard on a project that simply got bogged down for lack of consensus.
Even on a committee run project you still need a leader. A person who is respected for their leadership qualities and one who gets consensus among his/her peers.
To succeed, the company management has to give "room" (time) to the project committee for it to have "discussion" periods. To develop an investigative review process. To make recommendations.
To get input and suggestions for revision/change. To finalize the details.
The Micro-manager faces a real challenge because of "turf" control. Allowing others to make decisions and give in-put into goal setting is foreign to him or her.
Insecurities rise to the surface of the micro-manager. In many situations their position can be in jeopardy. Few companies need a micro-manager today.
A Company wise enough to hire talented associates needs to be even wiser in managing and sharing the vision. Paint with a wide sweep and a far reaching brush. Give the BIG picture and let the associates work out the details.
Rather than micro-managing the business you’ll spend executive time working ON your business not IN your business. As a business owner you are the VISIONARY. Goal setter. Pace setter. Buck stops here!